Content Marketing & the Game Within the Game in HBO's Westworld | Must Play |

Content Marketing & the Game Within The Game
HBO's Westworld is an amazing achievement. It makes for great television and it can teach web designers a thing or two if we're listening. We shared 5 Content Marketing Lessons the show shares including:

  • Show Don't Tell
  • Tease Never Bore
  • Beauty solves half the Battle
  • Believe and MOVE
  • Create another Loop


on Curagami:

Westworld  is a game. These days, thanks to ubiquitous smartphones and technology, everything is a game. Westworld's game is operating on many levels simultaneously including: 

  • Surface where those on "vacation" wreck havoc on robots
  • Robot on Robot game wondering who will win
  • The corporation game wondering who will be the hero and keep their jobs
  • Robots vs. Humans with a hard rain about to fall on greedy, violent humans
  • The game within the game

When Ed Harris scalped a robot finding a maze the game within the game was exposed. Harris' character is a thirty year Westworld veteran. 

Viewers are left wondering if Harris is rogue and on an unanticipated quest or if he is part of the "infinite" progression of the game. Planned or unplanned Harris is a master at the gruff voice and steely stare. 

On the web everything is a game. Your customers want to complete, cooperate and join. Are you asking for help? Do you know your movement? Westworld's creators are playing many games all at once, and doing so brilliantly, with grace and joy. Your or my website should be so lucky. 

I'll try to remember to craft multi-level games in the e-commerce sites Curagami helps design. You should steal Westworld's Game within a Game idea for your web design.