Pharma Marketing Blog: Social Media Listening by Pharma: Do the Ends Justify the Means? | New pharma |

This morning, I read with interest "The Value of Social Media Listening" by Alexandra Fulford, a ZS Business Consultant based in Zurich, Switzerland,

Alex focused on the "value in listening and doing research to identify the following elements"

I soon realized, however that something was missing.

Most, if not all, of the value emphasized by Alex was the value for the pharmaceutical company (listener), not for patients, which I assume are the "listenees" in this case.

No doubt that collecting the sort of data Alex recommends will help pharma companies "develop more impactful messaging and marketing tactics," as Alex points out. It will also help them "engage with stakeholders" and "improve Search Engine Optimisation," which are all benefits accruable to the listener, not the listenee.